825 Points Later

Over three days, I made it to 825 points in the current Capsuleer Day XXI event. That’s enough for the fancy purple Monitor SKIN. I did not track my ISK. But I probably got away with a net 0.

After just barely losing my PvP-fitted Rupture to a T2 combat filament, I opted to keep going with the scanning & hacking track of the event. That part I could do more consistently with the ships I already had in Hek. Hek was my chosen base of operations for this event. As a less busy trade hub, it was a decent place to find and scan down the required cosmic signatures for the event within a few jumps.

A little tip on that: If you hack the tower in the relic sites first, the signature will vanish from the probe scanner. Then nobody who didn’t scan and bookmark the site can warp to it. This can reduce incoming competition.

None of the cans in the event relic site seemed worth hacking for ISK – except the rarely spawning EDENCOM cans. But if you want to gather points for the reward track you will need to hack two sites in between building a filament and running one or two hacking filaments. From memory, the process looked like this:

  1. Scan down relic site, warp to it.
  2. Hack a number of cans (usually that requires two sites)
  3. Sell data or materials on the market – I sold single units to buy orders for cheap, or you can also list and buy your own materials, that works too.
  4. Build a filament
  5. Use a filament to hack some cans inside
  6. Repeat

⚠ Do not forget to click “collect points” after each step!

Overall, this event is not motivating for me to participate further. The Thunderchild-SKIN looks cool, yes. But this grind is not my cup of tea.
Other than the Dr. Who event, which this is seemingly based on, the abyss doesn’t look like anything we haven’t seen before; And, at least to my knowledge, there are no special drops like apparel or ship SKINs.

During the Dr. Who event one had at least the chance to hit a jackpot by getting a Proper Dapper Outfit or a Scarf apparel item that was highly-priced.
And no, Geckos don’t drop in the sites. That apparently was a cleverly staged hoax on Reddit. Respect that one, well done.

What I will probably do instead of making more points is to bring up some more standings with the Glamourex Boosters.

Some make a big deal out of this event not meeting their expectations.
I’d cut CCP some slack this time. It’s currently much more important that they get the coming Equinox expansion as right as possible. The implications are pretty huge and may shape large areas of the game for years to come.

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