Katia Sae’s Grand Tour Challenge

A sightseeing tour was on my bucket list for a long while, but I never took the time to actually go out and do it. For the fifth anniversary of the world record and a Just About bounty, it was time to follow the call of Katia Sae. Visiting every single system in New Eden is quite a feat. My journey wouldn’t come close to that, but still was a bit of a challenge.

Time to dust off the Postman, my travel-fitted Proteus, and plot a route. This would also be a great time to make use of the path-finding abilities of Eveeye.com and test how well the Thera and Turnur-connection implementations actually work.

Due to a nice list provided by Katia, there was no shortage of locations to visit.

The Route

Note that I did not exactly follow the order and rather went by opportunity.

  1. Katia Sae Monument, The Forge, Saisio, Caldari 
  2. Birthday Bash, Pochven, Tunudan, Pochven
  3. Battle of Iyen-Oursta Monument, Sinq Laison, Iyen-Oursta, Gallente
  4. Old Man Darieux’s Stargate, Essence, Old Man Star, Gallente
  5. Project Discovery Phase One Monument, Metropolis, Lanngisi, Minmatar
  6. Duvolle Gravitational Wave Observatory and Trace Cosmos, Solitude,
    Gererique, Gallente
  7. Fallen Capsuleers Memorial, Khanid, Molea, Amarr
  8. EVE Travel Agency, Genesis, Mozzidit, Genesis
  9. The Monolith, Dead End, Genesis
  10. EVE Gate, Genesis, New Eden, Genesis
  11. Chribba Monument, Domain, Amarr,
  12. True Creations Pool of Radiance Research Lab, Stain, 6QBH-S, Nullsec (south)
  13. Steve Memorial, Esoteria, C9N-CC, Nullsec (south)
  14. Massacres at M2-XFE Monument, Delve, M2-XFE, Nullsec (south west)
  15. Titanomachy, Immensea, B-R5RB, Nullsec (south)
  16. A History of War, Insmother, C-J6MT, Nullsec (east)
  17. Pioneer’s Sanctuary, Tenal, ZH3-BS, Nullsec (north)
  18. Syndicate Executive Retreat Center and Cord of the Elements, Syndicate, D-B7YK, Intaki, Nullsec (west)
  19. Epicenter, Anoikis, Thera, Wormhole
  20. Sisters of Eve Flotilla (Drifter wormhole), Anoikis, Redoubt, Wormhole

The Journey

The Ship

I admit, a Proteus isn’t exactly cheap, but the utility you get out of a T3C was worth it to me. With well more than 35.000 hitpoints you don’t need to be afraid of Smartbombs in lowsec. The navigation subsystem adds a lot of warp speed. It can warp cloaked, fit a Nullifier, and also a Warp Core Stabilizer. (Sorry, Rixx)
On top of that, I can easily fit an Expanded Core Probe Launcher to scan with. With a 50MN Microwarpdrive and even a 100MN Afterburner and can hope to crash gates if need be more than once. An additional Capacitor Battery reduces the impact of potential Energy Neutralizers.

But my favorite part is the psychological effect a T3 Cruiser has compared to the more common Exploration Frigates.

I almost shit my pants when you appeared 4km next to me!

Anonymous Explorer

Most people suspect a Proteus to be fitted for serious Blaster-brawling combat or kiting with Drones while also being a tough nut to crack.
I decided to facilitate that assumption by fitting some Blasters but taking them offline to fit my 1600mm Plate. Fitted weapon systems always are visible on the hull, even when they are offline. If I should be ever uncloaked for some reason, and people would look at my ship, they’d see turrets and can make the conclusion: 🚩 Combat fit! 🚨 Danger, Danger! ⚠

Of course, a scan would reveal my travel-fitted intent, but Ship Scanner modules are a rare sight outside of highsec – which is where I will do the more risky jumps.

Here is the fitting on eveworkbench.com

The Tools

Eveeye needs a bit of time to get used to it. But once you get over that little hurdle, it’s an amazing tool to display customized information. This map allows you to display all the information you can filter for in the “new” in-game map. BUT: You can show lots of them all at once and customize how that information is displayed.
However, that’s not the coolest part about Eveeye. My favorite thing is that it can consider known wormhole connections. Mostly those through Thera and Turnur. How cool is that?!
Note: It does not always work, since these are third-party tools, there is always some delay to be expected.

If you too want to use Eveeye to navigate around New Eden, I recommend watching this video explaining how it works.

Of course you can also use the Eve Scout website directly to see how far and were you’d need to go to go through Thera or Turnur.

After my last stop in C9N-CC I found a low-class wormhole and scanned my way back to highsec, checking where a wormhole leads to with anoik.is. Lower class, and especially class 1 wormholes have a higher chance to have a highsec connection.

The Journal

I decided to write a journal-like thread on Twitter/X about the whole trip to prove I was there.
You can find it here.

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